Was I Wrong About No Contact?

Is Coach Lee right about no contact? Or wrong?

Understanding the “No Contact” Rule: Addressing Concerns and Setting the Record Straight

In the vast realm of relationship advice and dynamics, few topics generate as much discussion and controversy as the “no contact” rule for use after someone has broken up with you.

From comments on my YouTube channel to private messages, I’ve encountered a wide array of perspectives on this strategy.

But with over 20 years of professional experience as a relationship coach and countless real-world observations since the early 2000s, I’m well-positioned to offer a nuanced and informed view on the topic.

The Age-Old Critique: Does ‘No Contact’ Actually Work?

One can’t scroll through comments on my channel or my support forum without encountering this question or its derivative.

Some flatly state, “No contact doesn’t work,” often citing only their own experiences.

Get your ex back with Coach Lee’s Emergency Breakup Kit!

They project their limited perspective onto everyone, concluding that if it failed for them, it’s destined to fail for all.

But relationships are intricate.

Just as every individual is unique, so too is every relationship, and it’s not logical to dismiss a strategy based solely on a handful of experiences.

The nature of relationships vary—some are deep-rooted with a strong foundation, while others might be stained by constant conflicts, fighting, and disrespect.

Thus, no contact is not as likely to work when the relationship lacked depth or was fraught with negativity.

But, in cases where there were genuine connection and significant positives to look back on, the chance of success is higher and I see success on a daily basis.

The Weight of Professional Observation

Entering relationship coaching in the early 2000s,

I’ve had the privilege of bearing witness to countless relationship situations.

Unlike armchair experts, my counsel is rooted in extensive observations, not mere theoretical musings or just repeating other people.

Through years (more than 2 decades), I’ve seen many couples rediscover their love through the no contact rule – even in cases where I didn’t think it could work!

Equally, I’ve seen the adverse effects when individuals resort to behaviors like begging, incessant pleading, and unsolicited communication/contact.

These actions often do much more harm by far than good, further pushing the ex-partner away.

Marriage – A Different Terrain for No Contact

Another prevalent misconception centers around marriage.

Critics argue that within the bounds of matrimony, “no contact” loses its efficacy.

The truth is more nuanced than that.

While the principles remain valid, they need to be adjusted to the marriage’s context.

In situations where one spouse has clearly exited the relationship, emotionally or physically, the left-behind spouse must avoid debasing behaviors.

For marriages, I often advocate for a tailored approach, which I term, “strategic contact“, especially when shared responsibilities (such as having children together) come into play.

If you are in this situation, there’s a lot to it so I highly recommend you take my free mini-course on saving a marriage.

Navigating the Clickbait Maze

Today, many turn to the internet for guidance.

Get your ex back with Coach Lee’s Emergency Breakup Kit!

However, this vast resource isn’t void of pitfalls.

Some content creators challenge time-tested principles, not out of genuine disagreement but to get your attention and your clicks.

Their videos or articles might begin with a counterintuitive and sensationalized premise, only to circle back to the age-old wisdoms they pretended to oppose, albeit in fancier terminology.

It’s essential to discern genuine advice from clickbait distractions.

For those genuinely seeking guidance, the task becomes discerning genuine advice from fleeting trends.

Does Attachment Style Influence the ‘No Contact’ Outcome?

Another dimension to this discussion involves psychological attachment styles in relationships.

Detractors opine that “no contact” might work for certain attachment styles but falter for others.

While I acknowledge the relevance of attachment theories in understanding relationship dynamics, my observations deeply confirm that the no contact rule’s success isn’t solely tied to one’s attachment style.

Its efficacy spans a broader spectrum, often independent of these classifications.

Get your ex back with Coach Lee’s Emergency Breakup Kit!

While there’s merit to understanding these styles, the broader canvas of relationship dynamics suggests that core human desires—respect, connection, and space—transcend these classifications.

Thus, regardless of one’s attachment style, the principles underpinning “no contact” remain universally relevant.

This is especially true when self respect and dignity is factored into the recipe of attraction.

In the end, attachment styles are only a blip on the radar that have little impact on the outcome of the no contact rule.

Debunking Gender Biases

Men and women are different.

That used to be universally understood before the politics of division was forced upon society.

Get your ex back with Coach Lee’s Emergency Breakup Kit!

Men and women both have natural, biological strengths and characteristics that are different from each other but compliment one another very well if allowed.

A pervasive myth suggests that “no contact” has a gender bias.

Based on my extensive interactions, I can firmly attest that both men and women can react positively to this strategy.

Although initial reactions might vary based on societal conditioning or personal experiences, over an extended period, their responses converge, reinforcing the rule’s universality.

Over 20 years and thousands of cases, there is very little difference in how men and women eventually respond to no contact.

If the relationship was good, attraction was there before it faded, and if the breakup isn’t fought too much beyond the initial conversation, both men and women often seek to reunite if they love the other person enough.

Power Dynamics: The Subtle Undercurrents

At its core, the “no contact” rule isn’t just about fostering reconnection; it’s about re-establishing respect.

Post-breakup begging, pleading, and unsolicited appearances inadvertently create a power imbalance, making the dumper the dominant person.

In contrast, by exercising restraint and maintaining distance, the dumped party reasserts their worth, often leading the dumper to re-evaluate their decision.

Chasing or pleading post-separation only exacerbates this imbalance, leading to a skewed dynamic where the “chased” holds all the cards.

emergency breakup kit

The “no contact” rule serves as a counter to this, enabling individuals to regain agency, reassert their worth, and pave the way for a more balanced future dynamic.

emergency breakup kit

Engaging with Critics: A Balanced Perspective

Critics and detractors are omnipresent.

Some, based on their singular experiences, denounce relationship coaches, casting aspersions on their intentions and methodologies.

Navigating such critiques demands a return to foundational principles and empirical evidence.

The sea of success stories and heartfelt testimonials often serves as the most robust defense against such criticisms.

All I can do is tell you what I have observed over 20 years and, in my opinion, that is far more powerful than someone else simply saying, “Nu uh.”

Concluding Remarks

Relationships, with their intricate web of emotions, memories, and shared experiences are often unpredictable.

While the “no contact” rule isn’t a magic wand guaranteeing reconciliation, it stands as a testament to the power of self-worth, respect, and space in the healing and reconnection process.

Get your ex back with my Emergency Breakup Kit! If you are married, get my free mini-course on saving a marriage.


Coach Lee

About Coach Lee

Coach Lee, Master of Marriage & Family Counseling, helps people save relationships. He developed the Emergency Breakup Kit, a powerful guide to winning back an ex. Get information on the Kit by Clicking Here! If your MARRIAGE is struggling, get his free mini-course on saving a marriage.

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