What Is Your Ex Thinking If They’re Dating Someone Else?

What is my ex thinking if they're dating someone else?

Breakups are difficult enough, but seeing your ex with someone else can bring an entirely new level of pain and confusion.

Questions flood your mind: What are they thinking if they’re dating someoen else?

Are they happy?

Did they ever really care about me?

Is this person better than me?

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Understanding what might be going through your ex’s mind in this situation can provide clarity and even some hope as you navigate your emotions and decide what steps to take next.

This article explores what your ex might be thinking if they’re dating someone else, how no contact impacts this dynamic, and why patience and self-respect are key to handling this challenging scenario.

1. The Honeymoon Stage: Limerence Can Delay Emotional Processing

If your ex begins dating someone else shortly after your breakup—or even before it officially ended—it’s likely that they haven’t fully processed the end of your relationship.

Their new relationship might be fueled by limerence, a psychological phenomenon often referred to as the “honeymoon stage.”

Limerence is marked by intense emotions, infatuation, and an overwhelming sense of novelty.

This stage is chemically driven by dopamine, the brain’s reward chemical, which makes everything about the new relationship feel exciting and ideal.

During this stage, your ex may feel as though they’ve never experienced anything like this before.

They might even convince themselves that this new partner is perfect, ignoring flaws and overlooking any red flags.

What’s important to remember is that limerence is temporary.

It can last anywhere from a few weeks to a year, but it always fades as the relationship moves out of its initial stages.

The existence of limerence means that your ex might not yet be processing their feelings about your relationship.

They’re distracted by the high of something new, but this doesn’t mean they’ve moved on entirely.

In fact, many people eventually come to realize that their new relationship lacks the depth and connection they had with their previous partner.

2. No Contact Can Undermine Limerence

One of the best ways to minimize the effects of limerence in your ex’s new relationship is to maintain no contact.

Many people make the mistake of chasing their ex or trying to convince them that they made a mistake, but this can actually strengthen the bond between your ex and their new partner.


Because it creates an “us versus the world” dynamic.

When someone feels that their relationship is under attack—whether from disapproving friends, family members, or an ex—they often become more committed to proving everyone wrong.

This “forbidden love” narrative can fuel limerence, making the bond feel even stronger.

By staying silent and giving your ex space, you remove yourself as a potential source of tension.

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No contact also introduces an element of mystery.

When your ex doesn’t hear from you, they start to wonder what you’re doing.

Are you moving on?

Are you seeing someone else?

This curiosity can distract them from their new relationship and even lead them to question whether they made the right choice.

3. Intimacy From Your Relationship Will Be Missed

While their new relationship might feel exciting in the short term, it lacks the emotional depth and history that your relationship had.

Intimacy—the deep connection that develops over time—takes months or even years to build.

If you and your ex were together for six months or longer, you likely had a level of understanding and emotional closeness that their new relationship simply doesn’t have yet.

As the novelty of their new relationship begins to wear off, your ex may find themselves missing the comfort and familiarity of what you shared.

Get your ex back with Coach Lee’s Emergency Breakup Kit!

This could include:

  • Inside jokes: Shared humor and experiences that made your relationship unique.
  • Support: The emotional safety of being with someone who knows you deeply.
  • Daily updates: Sharing the small details of life and feeling understood.

No contact amplifies this effect.

By withholding updates about your life, you create a void that their new partner can’t immediately fill.

This void may lead your ex to reminisce about the connection you shared and realize what they’re missing.

4. Comparisons Start to Emerge

As their new relationship progresses, your ex will inevitably start comparing their new partner to you.

This is especially true if you were a strong partner who showed kindness, affection, and emotional support.

Get your ex back with Coach Lee’s Emergency Breakup Kit!

They might begin to notice subtle differences, such as:

  • How you expressed love versus how their new partner does.
  • The quality of conversations and emotional connection.
  • The way you made them feel desired and appreciated.

These comparisons can work in your favor if you were a positive influence in their life.

They may realize that the new relationship lacks certain qualities that made your relationship special.

While no one is perfect, your ex may come to appreciate the unique bond you shared as they start to notice gaps in their new partnership.

5. Secrets With You Create Intimacy and Undermine the New Relationship

If your ex reaches out to you while dating someone else, it’s a powerful sign.

Contacting you creates a secret—something they’re unlikely to share with their new partner.

This secret introduces an intimacy between you and your ex that their new relationship doesn’t have.

It can also erode trust in the new relationship, as your ex may feel conflicted about keeping this communication hidden.

When your ex reaches out, it’s important to handle the situation carefully.

Avoid being cold or confrontational, even if you’re hurt. Instead, be polite and open to conversation.

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Allow them to reminisce about old times or ask about your life.

These interactions can rekindle the connection between you and make them question whether they’ve truly moved on.

Secrets also create tension in their new relationship.

Hiding communication with an ex can prevent them from forming a deep bond with their new partner, as intimacy requires honesty and openness.

By staying calm and confident, you increase the chances of your ex realizing that they miss the connection they had with you.

6. Limerence Fades, and Reality Sets In

As the initial rush of limerence fades, your ex will begin to see their new partner more realistically.

They’ll start noticing flaws and experiencing the mundane aspects of daily life together.

This is the point where many rebound relationships fall apart.

The chemical high is gone, and what’s left is a relationship that may lack the foundation needed to endure challenges.

This stage is often when your ex begins to reflect on your relationship.

They may wonder if they made a mistake or if they left behind something truly valuable.

If you’ve maintained no contact and focused on improving yourself, you’ll be in a strong position to reconnect if they reach out.

7. The Role of History and Shared Experiences

One advantage you have over their new partner is the history you share.

Memories of trips, milestones, and meaningful moments can’t be replaced overnight.

Your ex may find themselves longing for the familiarity and depth that only time can create.

This nostalgia can be a powerful force, drawing them back toward you as they realize that their new relationship lacks the richness of shared experiences.

8. Should You Wait for Your Ex?

While it’s natural to hope for reconciliation, it’s also important to prioritize your own well-being.

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Ask yourself:

  • Was your ex a good partner? Did they treat you with respect and kindness?
  • Do you want them back for the right reasons, or are you reacting to the pain of loss?
  • Are you willing to wait, knowing there are no guarantees?

Taking time to heal and reflect can help you make a clear-headed decision about whether pursuing your ex is truly in your best interest.

Final Thoughts

Understanding what your ex might be thinking if they’re dating someone else can help you approach the situation with clarity and confidence.

Get your ex back with Coach Lee’s Emergency Breakup Kit!

While limerence might delay their emotional processing, it’s a temporary phase.

By maintaining no contact, focusing on your growth, and respecting yourself, you create the best possible conditions for them to realize what they’ve lost.

Whether they return or not, prioritizing your own happiness ensures that you’ll be ready for whatever the future holds.

Remember, the right relationship will bring you mutual respect, love, and commitment—qualities worth waiting for.

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Coach Lee

About Coach Lee

Coach Lee, Master of Marriage & Family Counseling, helps people save relationships. He developed the Emergency Breakup Kit, a powerful guide to winning back an ex. Get information on the Kit by Clicking Here! If your MARRIAGE is struggling, get his free mini-course on saving a marriage.

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