In this video I explain the experience that the dumper has from the point of breaking up with you through the stages of no contact. Be sure to watch carefully all the way through until the end of the video.
If you use the no contact rule, the person who dumped you will likely follow a predictable path to getting to where they consider whether the breakup was a mistake and choosing to reach out to you about getting back together.
What most people are often surprised to learn is that the tables flip in terms of the emotional points that the dumper and the dumped find themselves considering where they both started at the point of the breakup.
Be sure to watch my video all the way through since it is crucial that you understand what is going on with your ex and why I coach you to do certain things to get him or her back.
If you want a POWERFUL guide to get your ex back where I walk you through the process, get my Emergency Breakup Kit.
Get your ex back with Coach Lee’s Emergency Breakup Kit!
I truly wish you the best.
–Coach Lee
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