Let Them Miss You!

Let your ex miss you to get them back.

In the aftermath of a breakup, it’s natural to want to reach out, to explain, to fix things, and to bridge the gap that has suddenly formed between you and your ex.

But if you truly want to maximize your chances of getting back together, there’s one crucial piece of advice you must heed: let them miss you.

No contact is a powerful strategy that can reignite the spark of attraction and pull your ex back towards you.

It might feel counterintuitive, but staying away is often the best way to remind them of what they had and what they’re missing.

Let’s dive into why it’s important to let your ex miss you in addition to why no contact is so essential and how it works to rekindle the connection you once shared.

Get your ex back with Coach Lee’s Emergency Breakup Kit!

The Immediate Aftermath of a Breakup

When a breakup happens, emotions are high.

There’s confusion, pain, and a myriad of conflicting feelings on both sides.

Your immediate reaction might be to reach out, to plead, or to try to reason with your ex.

But in this emotionally charged state, your efforts can come across as desperate and only push your ex further away.

The Importance of Space

Space is crucial after a breakup.

It allows both parties to cool down and gain some perspective.

For your ex, this space is vital for them to process the breakup and to start feeling your absence.

That is absolutely critical.

If you’re constantly trying to contact them, you’re not giving them the opportunity to experience life without you.

They need to see what it’s like not having you around, and that’s when they can start to miss you.

Let them miss you even though it will be painful.

It should be.

Psychological Impact of No Contact

No contact works on a psychological level.

When you suddenly disappear from your ex’s life, it creates a void.

Humans are creatures of habit, and when someone who was a significant part of their daily routine is suddenly gone, it disrupts their life.

This disruption causes them to think about you more, wondering what you’re doing, and missing the comfort and familiarity you provided.

The Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)

One of the reasons no contact is so effective is because it taps into the fear of missing out (FOMO).

When your ex doesn’t hear from you, they start to wonder if or even think you’ve moved on, if you’re seeing someone new, or if you’re happier without them.

This fear can be a powerful motivator, making them question their decision to break up and contemplate the idea of reaching out to you.

Let them miss you.

Get your ex back with Coach Lee’s Emergency Breakup Kit!

Regaining Attraction

When you step back and give your ex space, it allows you to regain your composure and focus on yourself.

You become a mystery again, and this can be incredibly attractive!

Your ex starts to remember the positive aspects of the relationship and begins to romanticize the past.

They’re no longer seeing you in a desperate light, but rather as someone who is strong and capable of living without them.

The Power of Silence

Silence can speak volumes.

When you don’t respond to your ex’s attempts to contact you, it shows strength and self-respect.

It communicates that you’re not going to chase them and that you value yourself enough to walk away.

This can be incredibly powerful, making your ex realize that you’re not someone who can be easily manipulated or taken for granted.

Let them miss you.

Get your ex back with Coach Lee’s Emergency Breakup Kit!

Creating Doubt in Their Mind

When your ex doesn’t hear from you, it plants a seed of doubt in their mind.

They start to question whether they made the right decision.

They wonder if they’ve lost you for good.

This doubt can be a powerful catalyst for them to reconsider the breakup and reach out to you.

Giving Them Time to Reflect

No contact gives your ex the time they need to reflect on the relationship.

They begin to miss the little things – your laugh, your smile, the way you made them feel.

Get your ex back with Coach Lee’s Emergency Breakup Kit!

They start to remember the good times and realize that maybe they were too hasty in ending things.

This period of reflection is crucial for them to come to terms with their feelings and to recognize the value you brought to their life.

Rebuilding Yourself

While no contact is primarily about giving your ex the space to miss you, it’s also an opportunity for you to rebuild yourself.

Use this time to focus on your own growth and well-being.

Engage in activities that make you happy, spend time with friends and family, and invest in self-improvement.

When you emerge from this period stronger and more confident, it will only add to your attractiveness and make your ex see what they’re missing.

The Right Way to Handle No Contact

To effectively implement no contact, you need to be disciplined and committed.

Here are some key points to keep in mind:

  1. Cut Off Communication Completely: This means no calls, no texts, no social media interactions, and no accidental meetings. Completely remove yourself from their life for a while.
  2. Stay Strong: There will be times when you feel the urge to reach out. Resist this urge. Remember that each day of no contact is bringing you closer to your goal.
  3. Focus on Yourself: Use this time to improve yourself. Work on your physical health, mental well-being, and personal goals. The better you feel about yourself, the more attractive you will be to your ex.
  4. Prepare for Their Return: If and when your ex reaches out, be prepared. Don’t immediately jump back into things. Take things slow and ensure that the issues that led to the breakup are addressed.

What to Do When They Reach Out

When your ex finally reaches out, it’s important to handle it correctly.

Don’t rush into things or appear overly eager.

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emergency breakup kit

Maintain your composure and take things one step at a time. Here’s how to handle it:

  1. Respond Calmly: If they send you a message, respond calmly and casually. Don’t immediately dive into heavy topics or discuss the breakup. Keep it light and friendly.
  2. Set Boundaries: Make sure that the reasons for the breakup are addressed. Set clear boundaries and expectations for the future to avoid falling back into old patterns.
  3. Rebuild Slowly: Take your time rebuilding the relationship. Don’t rush into things. Ensure that both of you are committed to making it work and are willing to put in the effort.

Final Thoughts

Letting your ex miss you through no contact can be incredibly effective in getting them back.

It gives them the space to reflect on the relationship, realize what they’ve lost, and reignite their feelings for you.

It also allows you to rebuild yourself and emerge stronger and more attractive.

Remember, no contact is not about playing games or manipulating your ex.

It’s about giving both of you the time and space needed to truly understand your feelings and make a well-informed decision about the future.

Stay strong, focus on yourself, and trust the process.

In time, if it’s meant to be, your ex will come back to you, ready to rebuild a stronger, healthier relationship.

Get my Emergency Breakup Kit to get your ex back!


Coach Lee

About Coach Lee

Coach Lee, Master of Marriage & Family Counseling, helps people save relationships. He developed the Emergency Breakup Kit, a powerful guide to winning back an ex. Get information on the Kit by Clicking Here! If your MARRIAGE is struggling, get his free mini-course on saving a marriage.

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